After several iterations of MAME Front-ends, I think I’ve landed on something I can call “Done” (for now!)


First, a few credits are in order:

  • Thank you to the person, or team of people, that created the Nevato Theme. I completely stole your cabinet picture for MAME Iron.
  • Thank you to Greg Schechter (wherever you are on the interwebs) for creating the WPF Planerator which allowed me to 3D-rotate the game screenshots to match the arcade cabinet.
  • Thank you to the fine people that created these sweet fonts, “Arcade” by Jakob Fischer and “PacFont Good” by Fontalicious. Without them I’d probably still be using Comic Sans.
The Pac-Man icon is used to denote a Favorite
The Pac-Man icon is used to denote a Favorite

With that said, here’s a not-quite-final look at it: Favorites appear at the top of the list. The year & play count is shown in the LCD strip just underneath the screenshot.

I have some UI work to get the screenshots to skew *exactly* pixel-perfect, but it’s close enough for now. (My dev machine is 1920x1080, and the Arcade monitor is 1680x1050…it’s more of a trail & error thing, than an exact science).

Next up: Re-implementing the motion activation & voice recognition.